Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Christian Metamorphosis

Have you ever thought about how much your life began to change after you turned to Christ? I'm not talking about being dragged to church by your parents and moving your lips along with the songs. I'm talking about truly having that "God moment". That was the moment when your "normal" life came to a screeching halt and you started to live for Him.

Those people you used to love hanging around and whom you thought hung the moon suddenly didn't seem so awesome anymore. You began to see how the things you once valued in life were just that...things. Things get old. Things lose their sparkle. Those things and those people were getting you nowhere fast weren't they?

At least now I have peace. I'm not talking about the no wars, no problems kind of peace. I'm talking about spiritual peace. That's the kind of peace that makes you humble. I know I'm now serving a higher purpose. The christian metamorphosis is not unlike that of a monarch butterfly. You burst forth into this beautiful new life. Now isn't that awesome?


TimberWolf said...

You should post more! This was a nice observation :)

Lord keep you